1. 2
2. 4
3. 5
4. None of these
5. 6
1. Twentieth
2. Twenty first
3. Twentieth or twenty first.
4. Cannot be determined
5. None of these
Twentieth or twenty first.
1. B
2. E
3. C
4. Data inadequate
5. Non
Data inadequate
1. 50 metres South
2. 150 metres North
3. 180 metres East
4. 50 metres North
5. None of these
50 metres North
1. 20
2. 28
3. 8
4. 2
5. None of these
1. East
2. South-East
3. North-East
4. Data inadequate
5. None of these
Data inadequate
1. None
2. One
3. Two
4. Three
5. More than three
1. Only I follows
2. Only II follows
3. Only III follows
4. Only IV follows
5. Only either I or III follows
Only either I or III follows
1. Only I, II and IV follow
2. Only II, III and IV follow
3. Only either I or III and II follow
4. Only either I or III, and IV follow
5. Only either I or III, II and IV follow
Only either I or III, II and IV follow
1. Only I and III follow
2. Only I, II and III follow
3. Only II, III and IV follow
4. All I, II, III and IV follow
5. None of these
Only I and III follow