1. 9©$7©%
2. ©9$7%©
3. 91$78%
4. %1$789
5. None of these
1. #89*£$
2. #89*£#
3. $89*£#
4. $89*£$
5. None of these
1. 92*#%4
2. 924#*%
3. 92*#%9
4. 42*#%4
5. None of these
None of these
1. #£$21*
2. £$21*3
3. £$21*#
4. #£$21#
5. None of these
1. 6@9%#2
2. 2@9%#6
3. 2@9%#2
4. 2©9%#2
5. None of these
1. Y
2. X
3. Z
4. Data inadequate
5. None of these
1. D and C
2. A and B
3. A and E
4. H and F
5. None of these
None of these
1. C–Z-Engineer
2. E–X–Doctor
3. H–X–HR
4. C–Y–Engineer
5. None of these
1. H
2. E
3. C
4. Either E or C
5. None of these
1. A and D
2. B and D
3. D and G
4. Data inadequate
5. None of these
D and G