1.  E

2.  B

3.  C

4.  D

5.  F

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Two parts I, two parts H

2.  Three parts K, three parts H

3.  Four parts L, four parts K

4.  Five parts J, five parts I

5.  One part H, one part L

Correct Answer :

One part H, one part L

Explanation :
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1.  Two parts I, two parts J and two parts L

2.  One part I, one part J and one part L

3.  One part H, one part J and five parts L

4.  Two parts I, one part J and four parts L

5.  Two parts J, one part K and three parts L

Correct Answer :

Two parts I, two parts J and two parts L

Explanation :
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1.  One part H

2.  Two parts L

3.  One part I

4.  Two parts J

5.  One part K

Correct Answer :

Two parts L

Explanation :
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1.  H and J

2.  H and L

3.  H and I

4.  I and K

5.  L and J

Correct Answer :

H and I

Explanation :
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1.  Two parts H, two parts J, one part K, two parts L

2.  One part L, one part I, one part K, one part J

3.  One part L, one part H, one part K, four parts J

4.  Two parts K, one part J, two parts L, three parts H

5.  One part H, two parts J, one part K, four parts L

Correct Answer :

One part H, two parts J, one part K, four parts L

Explanation :
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1.  At least 2 dogs finished before spotted.

2.  Brown dog finished last

3.  There were 3 dogs between Black and Spotted..

4.  There were 3 dogss between White and Brown.

5.  Grey dog came in second.

Correct Answer :

There were 3 dogss between White and Brown.

Explanation :
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1.  Spotted came in first

2.  Brown finished last.

3.  White came in second.

4.  Black came in second.

5.  There was one dog between Black and White.

Correct Answer :

White came in second.

Explanation :
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1.  Amy

2.  Bentley

3.  Camilla

4.  David

5.  Eva

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  David

2.  Camilla

3.  Amy

4.  Eva

5.  Bentley

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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