1. 89%4©5
2. 59%4©5
3. 59%4©8
4. 89%4©8
5. None of these
1. 529@#1
2. 529@#5
3. 129@#5
4. £29@#£
5. None of these
1. ©$%9@*
2. *$%9@©
3. *$%9@*
4. *$%9@£
5. None of these
None of these
1. H
2. L
3. M
4. L or M
5. None of these
1. Marathi-I-Hyderabad
2. Tamil-M-Kolkata
3. Marathi-I-Chennai
4. Punjabi-K-Delhi
5. None of these
1. H
2. M
3. L
4. K
5. None of these
1. Bengali
2. Marathi
3. Telugu
4. Can't be determined
5. None of these
None of these
1. if only assumption I is implicit.
2. if only assumption II is .implicit.
3. if either assumption I or II is implicit.
4. if neither assumption I nor II is implicit.
5. if both assumptions I and II are implicit.
if both assumptions I and II are implicit.
1. if only assumption I is implicit.
2. if only assumption II is .implicit.
3. if either assumption I or II is implicit.
4. if neither assumption I nor II is implicit.
5. if both assumptions I and II are implicit.
if only assumption II is .implicit.
1. if only assumption I is implicit.
2. if only assumption II is .implicit.
3. if either assumption I or II is implicit.
4. if neither assumption I nor II is implicit.
5. if both assumptions I and II are implicit.
if only assumption I is implicit.