1.  40;66.66

2.  80;99.99

3.  20;33.33

4.  10;11.11

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  11.11%;10%

2.  10%;11.11%

3.  20%;22.22%

4.  40%;44.44%

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Rs.200 loss

2.  Rs.200 profit

3.  no loss,no profit

4.  Rs.400 loss

Correct Answer :

no loss,no profit

Explanation :
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1.  4% profit

2.  4% loss

3.  2% loss

4.  2% profit

Correct Answer :

4\% loss

Explanation :
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1.  24 years

2.  12 years

3.  6 years

4.  18 years

Correct Answer :

12 years

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  15 min

2.  30 min

3.  58 min

4.  45 min

Correct Answer :

58 min

Explanation :
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1.   TQM genre was responsible for the birth of the concept of core competence

2.  The measures may lead to better or improved management

3.  Different strategies have to be followed to reach the quest for competitiveness

4.  Re-engineering is also the reason for the concept of core competence

Correct Answer :

The measures may lead to better or improved management

Explanation :
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1.   products are technological but competencies depends on people   

2.  competencies have to be shaped and developed but products have to be made

3.  products are efficient use of resources, but competencies are human resources and know how

4.  products and competencies are the same,only the approach is different

Correct Answer :

products are technological but competencies depends on people 


Explanation :
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1.   An explanation of core competence

2.  Coping with complex managerial challenges

3.  How to apply core competence to Indian industry

4.  Trends in modern management thought

Correct Answer :

An explanation of core competence

Explanation :
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1.  the Germans and the Japanese rebuilt their economy though the physical facilities were all destroyed and they are on the top again   

2.  Canon and Honda grew enormously compared to Xerox and Chrysler

3.  many Japanese companies became world leaders

4.  technologies were consolidated into competencies to take advantage of changing opportunities

Correct Answer :

technologies were consolidated into competencies to take advantage of changing opportunities

Explanation :
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