1. Rs. 226
2. Rs. 250
3. Rs. 252
4. Rs. 269
Rs. 250
1. Nil
2. Rs. 1440
3. Rs. 2500
4. Rs. 1960
Rs. 1440
1. Rs. 9.80
2. Rs. 16.80
3. Rs. 22.40
4. Rs. 36.40
Rs. 9.80
1. Rs. 200
2. Rs. 1100
3. Rs. 2200
4. Data inadequate
5. None of these
Rs. 2200
1. 12%
2. 14%
3. 15%
4. 18%
5. None of these
1. 14%
2. 15%
3. 16%
4. 20%
5. None of these
1. 5%
2. 9%
3. 16%
4. 25%
2. 22%
4. None of these
1. Decreased by 5.3%
2. Increased by 3%
3. Increased by 5.3%
4. Increased by 10%
Increased by 5.3\%
1. Delhi
2. H.P
3. U.P
4. Punjab
5. Haryana