1. 1
2. 2
3. 3/2
4. 5/2
1. 2x2 + 7
2. 2x2 + 5
3. 2 (x+2)2 + 5
4. 2x+ 5
2x2 + 7
1. a3
2. b3
3. abc
4. c3
1. 110
2. 140
3. 125
4. Indeterminate
1. -7
2. 7
3. 16
4. -16
1. 15 cm
2. 17 cm
3. 17
17 cm
1. Only conclusion I follows
2. Only conclusion II follows
3. Both conclusions I and II follow
4. Neither I or II follow
Both conclusions I and II follow
1. Only conclusion I follows
2. Only conclusion II follows
3. Both conclusions I and II follow
4. Neither I or II follow
Neither I or II follow
1. Only conclusion I follows
2. Only conclusion II follows
3. Both conclusions I and II follow
4. Neither I or II follow
Neither I or II follow
1. Only inference I follows
2. Only inference II follows
3. Both inferences I and II follow
4. Neither I or II follow
Both inferences I and II follow