1. Air-conditioning, cassette deck, leather seats, power windows
2. Air-conditioning, cassette deck, leather seats, sunroof
3. Cassette deck, leather seats, sunroof, tined glass
4. Cassette deck, power windows, sunroof, tined glass
Cassette deck, power windows, sunroof, tined glass
1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5
1. air- conditioning and cassette deck
2. tined glass and sunroof
3. cassette deck and leather seats.
4. power windows and sunroof.
tined glass and sunroof
1. The car has 3 options.
2. The car has 4 options.
3. The car has power windows and sunroof.
4. The car does not have both leather seats and cassette deck.
The car has 3 options.
1. b=a/5
2. b=a/4
3. b=2a/3
4. b=a/2
1. 4
2. 2
3. 3
4. None of these
1. I and II correct
2. II and III correct
3. Only I is Correct
4. All I, II and III are correct
All I, II and III are correct
1. |a+b| ≤ |a|+|b|
2. |a-b| ≤ |a|+|b|
3. |a-b| ≤ |a|-|b|
4. |a-c| ≤ |a-b|+|b-c|
|a-b| ≤ |a|-|b|
1. 1+√5
2. 1-√5
3. √7
4. 2√7
1. (z-x)/(y-x)
2. (x-z)/(y-z)
3. (y-x)/(z-y)
4. (y-z)/(x-z)