1.  Rs. 5750

2.  Rs. 15525

3.  Rs. 8000

4.  Rs. 16000

Correct Answer :

Rs. 16000

Explanation :
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1.  42.75%

2.  40%

3.  36.25%

4.  35%

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  50%

2.  33 1/3%

3.  16.67%

4.  32%

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  The total ban on CFC’s by 2000 AD.

2.  The complete phasing out of Halons.

3.    Increasing "Eco-system" awareness among the peoples in the European Union

4.  All of the above.

Correct Answer :

The complete phasing out of Halons.

Explanation :
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1.  a form of temporary insanity

2.  an exaggerated form of insanity

3.  in its more extreme forms, an incurable form of insanity

4.  none of the above

Correct Answer :

none of the above

Explanation :
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1.  Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX)

2.    Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

3.  Bromine

4.  Citric acid.

Correct Answer :

Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX)

Explanation :
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1.  his ills are imaginary

2.  he might turn violent

3.  he is insane

4.  none of these

Correct Answer :

he might turn violent

Explanation :
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1.  Increase in the level of Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the atmosphere.

2.    Increase in the use of Oxides of Nitrogen.

3.  Damage caused by humans (viz) construction, waste and fuel spillage.

4.  Indiscriminate felling of trees

Correct Answer :

Increase in the level of Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the atmosphere.

Explanation :
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1.  persecution is present in most normal people

2.  like persecution, many other forms of insanity quite uncommon in many normal people

3.  [1] & [2]

4.  in a milder form, many forms of insanity are common among normal people

Correct Answer :

in a milder form, many forms of insanity are common among normal people

Explanation :
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1.  stroms and cyclones on the earth

2.  skin cancers.

3.  damage to crops and animals

4.  [ 2] and [3] only.

Correct Answer :

[ 2] and [3] only.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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