1. 3/2 log a+ 5 log b- 2 log c
2. 2/3 log a - 5 log b-1/2 log c
3. 2 log a- 5 log b+ 1/2 log c
4. 3/2 log a + 5 log b-1/2og c
5. None of these
2/3 log a - 5 log b-1/2 log c
1. 2.689
2. - 0.0552
3. 2.2402
4. 2.702
5. None of these
- 0.0552
1. 21
2. 27
3. 20
4. 18
5. None of these
1. 53
2. 50
3. 25
4. 63
1. (2+1og82 )/log8128
2. log8128/log80.625
3. (2+1og82 )/2(log85-1)
4. Both (b) and (c)
5. None of these
Both (b) and (c)
1. 90
2. 65
3. 13
4. 45
5. 50
1. 7
2. 14
3. 9
4. 3
5. 4
1. 0
2. 1
3. 2
4. 3
5. 4
1. log17275 =log19375
2. 10817275
3. log17275 > log19375
4. Cannot be determined
5. None of these
10817275 <log19375
1. logy 11650 > 1og131950
2. logi, 1650 < log 131950
3. log, 1650 = log,31950
4. None of these
5. Cannot be determined log24096
logy 11650 > 1og131950