1. Rs. 750
2. Rs. 800
3. Rs. 700
4. Rs. 660
5. Rs. 880
Rs. 660
1. 18M/C
2. 18C/M
3. 12M/C
4. 12C/M
5. None of these
1. P(X-Z)/(Y+X-Z)
2. P(X-Z)/(Y+X-2X)
3. P(Y-Z)/(X-Z)
4. P(X-Z)/(Y-Z)
1. 14,000
2. 18,000
3. 24,000
4. 20,000
1. 61.5%
2. 78%
3. 75%
4. None of these
1. 4/25
2. 2/25
3. 3/25
4. None of these
None of these
1. 40%
2. 41(3/17)%
3. 28%
4. Any of these
Any of these
1. +3.5%
2. 4%
3. 4.5%
4. None of these
1. 8%
2. 12^%
3. 10%
4. 9%
1. (x – 100)100/K
2. (x2 – 1002)100/K
3. (100 – x)100/K
4. 100K(1002 – x2)
100K(1002 – x2)