1.   inside micrometer

2.  depth micrometer

3.  ring gages

4.  slip gages

Correct Answer :

slip gages

Explanation :
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1.  one solid pin in the larger hole and one diamond pin in the smaller hole

2.  two solid pins in either holes

3.  two diamond pins in either holes

4.  one solid pin in the smaller hole and one diamond pin in the larger hole

Correct Answer :

two diamond pins in either holes

Explanation :
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1.  Rsteam and Rpipe are negligible as compared to Rins and Rair

2.  Rpipe and Rair are negligible as compared to Rins and Rsteam

3.  Rsteam and Rair are negligible as compared to Rpipe and Rins

4.  No quantitative data is provided therefore no comparison is possible

Correct Answer :

Rsteam and Rpipe are negligible as compared to Rins and Rair

Explanation :
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1.  A thin layer at the surface where gradients of both velocity and temperature are small

2.  A thin layer at the surface where velocity and velocity gradients are large

3.  A thick layer at the surface where velocity and temperature gradients are large

4.  A thin layer at the surface where gradients of both velocity and temperature are large

Correct Answer :

A thin layer at the surface where gradients of both velocity and temperature are large

Explanation :
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1.  20 mm

2.  10 mm

3.  1.5 mm

4.  0 mm

Correct Answer :

Explanation :
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1.  S/(ρ.k)

2.  ρk/S

3.  k/ρ.S

4.  ρ.S/k

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  m/hr 0C

2.  m2/hr

3.  m/hr

4.  m2/hr 0C

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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