1.  Positive

2.  Negative

3.  Zero

4.   None of these

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Increasing the activities contribution

2.  Increasing the availability of resources

3.  Reducing the activities consumption of resources

4.   All of these

Correct Answer :

All of these

Explanation :
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1.  That the variable in the corresponding column of its maximum value is the one that enters the base in the next iteration

2.  Profit per unit of the product of the concerned decision variable in that column

3.  Increase in the value of the object function in the next iteration, if its corresponding variable in that column, enters into the base

4.  That the variable in the corresponding column of its minimum of its minimum value is the one that leaves the base in the next iteration

Correct Answer :

Increase in the value of the object function in the next iteration, if its corresponding variable in that column, enters into the base

Explanation :
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1.  ‘m’ number of sources of supply, each having different capacities of supply Si(i = 1,2,.........,m)

2.  ‘n’ number of destination centres, each having different demand requirements of Dj(j = 1,2, .....,n)

3.  The cost of transporting unit item from source ‘i’ to destination ‘j’ is c0

4.  The number of items transported from source ‘t’ to destination j is x0

5.   All of these

Correct Answer :

All of these

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  North West Corner Method

2.  Modi Method

3.  Vegel’s Application method(VAM)

4.  Least Cost Method

Correct Answer :

Modi Method

Explanation :
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1.  The LPP has a unique optimal solution

2.  The LPP is infeasible

3.  The LPP is unbounded

4.  The LPP has multiple optimal solutions

Correct Answer :

The LPP has multiple optimal solutions

Explanation :
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1.  Numbering of event in PERT/CPM

2.  The simulation model

3.  Queuing theory

4.  None of these

Correct Answer :

Numbering of event in PERT/CPM

Explanation :
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1.  Equal to (m + n – 1)

2.  More than (m + n – 1)

3.  Less than (m + n – 1)

4.  None of these

Correct Answer :

Less than (m + n – 1)

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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