1.  the part programme is stored in computer accuracy

2.  the part programme can be easily checked and corrected in the former

3.  data tape in case of NC system cannot be reused, whereas disc in CNC system can be reused

4.  all of these

Correct Answer :

all of these

Explanation :
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1.  reduced the infallibility of the operator

2.  relieved the operator from constant supervision

3.  inhanced quantity and accuracy of the work

4.  all of these

Correct Answer :

all of these

Explanation :
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1.  tape is used as storage device for part programme in the former whereas computer is used in the later

2.  the former does not allow integration of various machining processes, whereas the later allows to do so

3.  the former is altogether a hardware system, whereas the later is a software system

4.  all of these

Correct Answer :

all of these

Explanation :
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1.  size of computer in DNC system is much smaller than that of CNC system

2.  size of computer used in CNC system is restricted by cost consideration which is not true in case of DNC

3.  DNC system operates in a time share made whereas CNC system operates on dedicated on line system mode

4.  All of these

Correct Answer :

All of these

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  1 to 5 mm

2.  5 to 15 mm

3.  15 to 25 mm

4.  more that 25 mm

Correct Answer :

5 to 15 mm

Explanation :
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1.  done to a single V or U-groove done to a single V or U-groove done to a double V or U-groove on one side done to a double Vor U-groove on both sides is not required

2.  done to a double V or U-groove on one side

3.  done to a double Vor U-groove on both sides

4.  is not required

Correct Answer :

is not required

Explanation :
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1.  is done to a single V or U-groove

2.  is done to a double V or U- groove on one side

3.  is done to a double V or U- groove on both sides

4.  is not required

Correct Answer :

is done to a double V or U- groove on both sides

Explanation :
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1.  400 to 500

2.  500 to600

3.  600 to 700

4.  700 to 900

Correct Answer :

700 to 900

Explanation :
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1.  permit perfect cohesion of metals

2.  remove the oxides of the metals formed at high temperature

3.  both (a) and (c)

4.  none of these

Correct Answer :

both (a) and (c)

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  25 mm

2.  40 mm

3.  50 mm

4.  100 mm

Correct Answer :

25 mm

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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