1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
1. touch each other
2. one of these circles lies entirely inside the other
3. Each of their circles lies
4. intersect in two points
one of these circles lies entirely inside the other
1. √5
2. √5/2
3. √2
4. (5/2)1/2
1. (0,0)
2. (-2,-2)
3. (-1,-1)
4. (-1,-2)
1. cos-1(4/5)
2. tan-1(4/5)
3. 0
4. π/2
1. 1/√10
2. 2/√10
3. 4/√10
4. √10
1. (1,-1)
2. (1,1)
3. (0,0)
4. (0,1)
1. for all a
2. for a = 4 only
3. for -3 ≤ a ≤ 3
4. for a>0 only
for all a
1. π/3
2. π/2
3. tan-1[(l2-m2)/(1+m2)]
4. tan-1[(2lm)/(l2+m2)]
1. incenter
2. centroid
3. circumcentre
4. orthocenter