1. semi-colon
2. line break
3. comma
4. white space
1. Device that controls input
2. Variable that controls movement
3. Controlled execution of applications
4. None of the above
Controlled execution of applications
1. Value
2. Object
3. There are none
4. Key
There are none
1. the initialization, the Incrementation, and update
2. the initialization, the test, and the update
3. the initialization, the test, and Incrementation
4. All of the above
the initialization, the test, and the update
1. It customizes JSON stringification behavior
2. It allows an object to determine its own JSON representation
3. All three statements are true
4. It is internally called by JSON.stringify()
All three statements are true
1. if
2. with
3. debugger
4. use strict
use strict
1. JSON.parse(null);
2. JSON.parse('{}');
3. JSON.parse(undefined);
4. JSON.parse('[]');
1. Variable used in the code doesn't exist
2. Variable is not assigned to any value
3. Property doesn't exist
4. All of the above
All of the above
1. pop()
2. reduce()
3. push()
4. reduceRight()
1. JSON.stringify()
2. JSON.toString()
3. JSON.serialize()
4. JSON.text()