1.  perpendicular to sliding surfaces

2.  along sliding surfaces

3.  somewhere in between above two

4.  unpredictable

Correct Answer :

perpendicular to sliding surfaces

Explanation :
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1.  crank has a uniform angular velocity

2.  crank has non-uniform velocity

3.  crank has uniform angular acceleration

4.  crank has uniform angular velocity and angular acceleration

Correct Answer :

crank has a uniform angular velocity

Explanation :
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1.  velocity of various parts

2.  acceleration of various parts

3.  displacement of various parts

4.  angular acceleration of various parts

Correct Answer :

acceleration of various parts

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  pitch circle

2.  base circle

3.  prime circle

4.  outer circle

Correct Answer :

prime circle

Explanation :
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1.  offset between center lines of cam and follower

2.  lift of follower

3.  angle of ascent

4.   all of the above

Correct Answer :

all of the above

Explanation :
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1.  base circle

2.  pitch circle

3.  prime circle

4.  outer circle

Correct Answer :

base circle

Explanation :
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1.  circular

2.  tangent

3.  reciprocating

4.  none of the above

Correct Answer :

none of the above

Explanation :
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1.  a small value of pressure angle

2.  a large value of pressure angle

3.  there is no such relation with pressure angle

4.  something else

Correct Answer :

a large value of pressure angle

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  during which the follower returns to its initial position

2.  of rotation of the cam for a definite displacement of the follower

3.  through which, the cam rotates during the period in which the follower remains in the highest position

4.  moved by the cam from the instant the follower begins to rise, till it reaches its highest position

Correct Answer :

of rotation of the cam for a definite displacement of the follower

Explanation :
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1.  during which the follower returns to its initial position

2.  of rotation of the cam for a definite displacement of the follower

3.  through which the cam rotates during the period in which the follower remains in the highest position

4.  moved by the cam from the instant the follower begins to rise, till it reaches its highest position

Correct Answer :

during which the follower returns to its initial position

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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