1. "Robert Koch"
2. "John Tyndall"
3. "Antonie van Leeuwenhoek"
4. "Louis Pasteur"
Louis Pasteur
"1. "Inside the tissue of leaf margin"
2. "On the dorsal surface of leaves"
3. "On the ventral surface of leaves"
4. "Inside the mid-rib of leaves"
On the ventral surface of leaves
"1. "21%"
2. "33%"
3. "40%"
4. "26%"
"1. "Mango"
2. "Papaya"
3. "Apple"
4. "Guava"
"1. "Central Govt"
2. "Corporation"
3. "None of these"
4. "State Govt."
State Govt.
"1. "Over irrigation"
2. "Poor drainage"
3. "Imbalanced use of fertilizers"
4. "Continuous cropping"
Imbalanced use of fertilizers
"1. "1/2 day"
2. "1 day"
3. "4 day"
4. "10 day"
10 day
"1. "Amphimixis"
2. "Apomixis"
3. "Allogamy"
4. "Autogamy"
"1. "C. Rangarajan"
2. "M. Govind Rao"
3. "D. Swaroop"
4. "B. N. Srikrishna"
B. N. Srikrishna
"1. "915 per 1000 male "
2. "914 per 1000 male "
3. "913 per 1000 male "
4. "912 per 1000 male "
5. " "
914 per 1000 male