1. "Lagos, the largest Nigerian city Antonis Samara"
2. "Naha Airport, Japan"
3. "Verona, Italy"
4. "Cricklewood Aerodrome, North London"
Lagos, the largest Nigerian city Antonis Samara
"1. "a Federation"
2. "a Unitary State"
3. "a Union of State"
4. "Quasi-federal"
a Union of State
"1. "Fundamental Rights"
2. "Directive Principles of State Policy"
3. "Fundamental Duties"
4. "Citizenship"
Directive Principles of State Policy
"1. "yes"
2. "no"
"1. "yes"
2. "no"
"1. "Stability and Liberty"
2. "Liberty and Equality"
3. "Equality and Fraternity"
4. "Stability and Justice"
Liberty and Equality
"1. "With the prior permission of the President"
2. "Only after the Constitution is amended suitably"
3. "In case of inconsistency among State legislations"
4. "At the request of two or more State"
At the request of two or more State
"1. "Khil Raj Regmi"
2. "Parmanand Jha"
3. "Baburam Bhattarai"
4. "Purna Kumari Subedi"
Baburam Bhattarai
"1. "Northeastern Italy"
2. "Pakistan"
3. "Bali"
4. "Sikkim"
Northeastern Italy
"1. "Lagos, the largest Nigerian city Antonis Samara"
2. "Naha Airport, Japan"
3. "Verona, Italy"
4. "Cricklewood Aerodrome, North London"
Lagos, the largest Nigerian city Antonis Samara