1. importance that communication is a two-way process will be emphasized
2. importance of communication as a two-way process will be emphasized
3. importance of communication being a two-way process will be the emphasis
4. fact will be emphasized that communication is a two-way process and of importance
5. emphasis will be that communication being a two-way process is important
importance of communication as a two-way process will be emphasized
1. universe began in a cosmic explosion (the "big bang") with
2. universe began with a cosmic explosion (the "big bang") and
3. universe had a beginning a cosmic explosion (the "big bang") or
4. universe's beginning was a cosmic explosion (the "big bang") or
5. universe's beginning was a cosmic explosion (the "big bang") against
universe began with a cosmic explosion (the "big bang") and
1. when
2. since
3. whereas
4. because
5. insofar as
1. in the Federal Reserve keeping in control of inflation
2. that the Federal Reserve will keep inflation under control
3. for the Federal Reserve, that it would keep control of inflation
4. that inflation will be kept control of by the Federal Reserve
5. that inflation would be kept control of by the Federal Reserve
that the Federal Reserve will keep inflation under control
1. 964
2. 324
3. 133
4. 729
5. 854
1. which a commoner or foreigner could not enter without any permission
2. which a commoner or foreigner could enter without any permission only
3. which no commoner or foreigner could enter without permission
4. which, without permission, neither commoner or foreigner could only enter
5. which, to enter without permission, neither commoner or foreigner could do
which no commoner or foreigner could enter without permission
1. selling their crops for buying
2. the sales of their crops for buying
3. their selling of crops so as to buy
4. their selling crops for buying of
5. the sale of their crops to buy
the sale of their crops to buy
1. all the proceedings of the Communist party conference held in Moscow were not carried live
2. all the Communist party conference's Moscow proceedings were not carried live
3. all the Communist party conference Moscow proceedings have not been carried alive
4. not all the Communist party conference Moscow proceedings have been carried alive
5. not all the proceedings of the Communist party conference held in Moscow were carried live
not all the proceedings of the Communist party conference held in Moscow were carried live
1. believing it a seeming permanent accommodation rather than a temporary expedient for what many observers thought was
2. believing it a seeming permanent accommodation instead of a temporary expedient for what many observers thought was
3. believing that it was not a temporary expedient but a seeming permanent accommodation to what many observers thought of as
4. not as a temporary expedient but as a seemingly permanent accommodation to what many observers thought was
5. not as a temporary expedient but believing it a seemingly permanent accommodation for what many observers thought
not as a temporary expedient but as a seemingly permanent accommodation to what many observers thought was
1. each with its own executive
2. all having their own executive
3. each having their own executive
4. with its own executive for each
5. every one with an executive of their own
each with its own executive