1. Gautam did not care
2. so many about
3. anything else as much
4. as he cared for his dog
5. No error
so many about
1. You cannot change
2. people, but you
3. can definitely
4. change own
5. No error
change own
1. Veena wanted to
2. become a surgeon
3. and worked very hardly
4. to achieve this
5. No error
and worked very hardly
1. Krishna ran to the
2. nearing grocery store to
3. buy biscuits as his parents
4. were expecting guests
5. No error
nearing grocery store to
1. As soon so
2. he came home
3. he showered and got
4. ready to go out again
5. No error
As soon so
1. She failed to remember
2. that it was Rema’s birthday
3. and did not buy
4. a present for her
5. No error
No error
1. waiting
2. truly
3. till
4. still
5. while
1. for
2. was
3. because
4. is
5. it
1. soon
2. had
3. was
4. has
5. forever
1. handled
2. worried
3. taught
4. promised
5. carried