1.  Prohibited

2.  mean

3.  Thorough

4.  petty

5.  Brazen

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Prohibited

2.  mean

3.  Thorough

4.  petty

5.  Brazen

Correct Answer :


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1.  Indirect

2.  vague

3.  Separate

4.  acute

5.  Perfect

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Depressed

2.  feign

3.  Trifling

4.  swayed

5.  Ruffled

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Among the casualties it claimed, was hundreds of Nawabs.

2.  Among the casualties, it claimed, were hundreds of Nawabs.

3.  Among the casualties it claimed, was the hundreds of Nawab.

4.  Among the casualties it claimed, were the hundreds of Nawab.

5.  Among the casualties it had claimed, was the hundreds of Nawabs.

Correct Answer :

Among the casualties, it claimed, were hundreds of Nawabs.

Explanation :
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1.  Is more vocal but not as competent as

2.  Is more vocal but not competent as

3.  Is more vocal than not competent as

4.  Is more vocal than but not as competent as

5.  More vocal but least competent than

Correct Answer :

Is more vocal than but not as competent as

Explanation :
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1.  Is nothing than a fiction on cheap sex

2.  Has nothing than a fiction about cheap sex?

3.  Is nothing of a fiction on cheap sex?

4.  Is nothing but a fiction on cheap sex?

5.  Is about noting than a fiction on cheap sex?

Correct Answer :

Is nothing but a fiction on cheap sex?

Explanation :
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1.  A bid to the government stake will have to be weighed.

2.  A bid for the government stake will have to be weighed.

3.  A bid to the government stake will be weighed.

4.  A bid for the government stake will have weighed.

5.  A bid on the government stake will be weighed.

Correct Answer :

A bid for the government stake will have to be weighed.

Explanation :
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1.  Are considerably lower than men.

2.  Are considerably lower to men.

3.  Is considerably lower than men.

4.  Is considerably lower than that of men.

5.  Are considerably lower to that of men.

Correct Answer :

Is considerably lower than that of men.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Lewd

2.  incantatory

3.  Astray

4.  ajar

5.  Chasm

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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