1. A mono-syllabic word can have only one onset
2. A mono-syllabic word can have only one rhyme but more than one rime
3. A mono-syllabic word can have only one phoneme
4. All of the above
A mono-syllabic word can have only one phoneme
1. Rhyme
2. Rime
3. Onset
4. Phoneme
1. B, D but not A, C
2. A, B but not C, D
3. A, D but not B, C
4. A, C but not B, D
B, D but not A, C
1. Principle of equality before the law
2. Judicial activism
3. A conservative judiciary
4. Need for discipline
Need for discipline
1. in the context of extreme inequality, the issue of leadership has limited significance
2. democracy is incapable of eradicating inequality
3. formal equality facilitates development and change
4. impersonal rules are good for avoiding instability but fall short of achieving real equality
impersonal rules are good for avoiding instability but fall short of achieving real equality
1. democratic principles do not encourage heroes
2. there is no urgency for development in democratic countries
3. heroes that emerged in democracies would become despots
4. aristocratic society had a greater ability to produce heroes
democratic principles do not encourage heroes
1. they have adopted the principles of ‘formal’ equality rather than ‘substantive’ equality
2. formal’ equality whets people’s appetite for ‘substantive’ equality
3. systems that rely on the impersonal rules of ‘formal’ equality loose their ability to make large changes
4. of the conflict between a ‘progressive’ executive and a ‘conservative‘ judiciary
systems that rely on the impersonal rules of ‘formal’ equality loose their ability to make large changes
1. Only (A)
2. Both (A) & (B)
3. Only (B)
4. All (A) , (B) & (C)
5. None of these
Only (B)
1. Migration of landless laboures to cities
2. Municipal authorities building low-cost housing for the poor
3. Unchecked population growth
4. Government failure to secure rights for citizens
5. Exorbitant cost of living in cities
Government failure to secure rights for citizens
1. Exhort the UN to play a greater role in rehabilitating slum-dwellers.
2. Praise government initiative for migrant slumdewellers.
3. Convince government to empower the poor.
4. Enlist the aid of developments countries to tackle the issue of slums.
5. Chastise slum-dwellers for illegal activities that they engage in.
Convince government to empower the poor.