1. The two scientists were struck by wonder on seeing maneless lions for the first time.
2. Though Craig was an expert on the Serengeti lion, now he also knew about the Tsavo lions.
3. Earlier, Craig and West thought that amateur observers had been mistaken.
4. Craig was now able to confirm that darkening of the noses as lions aged applied to Tsavo lions as well
Earlier, Craig and West thought that amateur observers had been mistaken.
1. Craig and Peyton develop even more serious doubts about the idea that Tsavo lions are primitive.
2. The maneless Tsavo East lions are shown to be closer to the cave lions.
3. Pleistocene cave lions are shown to be far less violent than believed.
4. The morphological variations in body and skull size between the cave and Tsavo lions are found to be insignificant
Pleistocene cave lions are shown to be far less violent than believed.
1. Tsavo lions have been observed to bring down one of the strongest and most aggressive animals-the Cape buffalo.
2. In contrast to the situation in traditional lion haunts, scarcity of non-buffalo prey in the Tsavo makes the Tsavo lions more aggressive.
3. The Tsavo lion is considered to be less evolved than the Serengeti variety.
4. Tsavo lions have been observed to attack vehicles as well as humans
The Tsavo lion is considered to be less evolved than the Serengeti variety.
1. it was unable to deal with the fallouts of a sharp increase in capital.
2. its cumulative capital had undesirable side-effects.
3. its policies favoured developing the vast hinterland.
4. it prevented the growth of a set-up which could have been capitalistic in nature
it was unable to deal with the fallouts of a sharp increase in capital.
1. both originated in the developed Western capitalist countries.
2. New Mercantilism was a logical sequel to New Imperialism.
3. they create the same set of outputs-a labour force, middle classes and rival centres of capital.
4. both have comparable uneven and divisive effects
both have comparable uneven and divisive effects
1. negotiate with the multinational corporations.
2. are dependent on the international system for their continued prosperity.
3. are not in a position to challenge the status quo.
4. do not enjoy popular support.
are not in a position to challenge the status quo.
1. National government.
2. Native capitalists.
3. New capitalists.
4. None of the above
Native capitalists.
1. Nietzsche urges the decadent and enfeebled modem society to forego intellect and give importance to creative instincts.
2. Nietzsche urges the decadent and enfeebled modem society to smother the will with excessive intellectualising and ignite a zest for living
3. Nietzsche criticizes the intellectuals for enfeebling the modem bourgeois society by not nurturing man's creative instincts.
4. Nietzsche blames excessive intellectualization for the decline of modem society and suggests nurturing creative instincts instead
Nietzsche blames excessive intellectualization for the decline of modem society and suggests nurturing creative instincts instead
1. A new kind of class conflict arises from preferential treatment given to agents of resource- intensification by the state which the local community sees as unfair
2. The grant of long leases to agents of resource-intensification for an expanding commercial- industrial economy leads to direct protests from the local community, which sees it as unfair.
3. Preferential treatment given by the state to agents of resourceintensification for an expanding commercial-industrial economy exacerbates injustice to local communities and leads to direct protests from them, resulting in a new type of class conflict
4. Local communities have no option but to protest against agents of resource intensification and create a new type of class conflict when they are given raw material at subsidized prices for an expanding commercial-industrial economy
Preferential treatment given by the state to agents of resourceintensification for an expanding commercial-industrial economy exacerbates injustice to local communities and leads to direct protests from them, resulting in a new type of class conflict
1. Scientists have been unsure whether rapid shifts in the Earth's climate happen all at once or on opposing schedules in different hemispheres; research will help find a definitive answer and better predict climate shifts in future.
2. Scientists have been unsure whether rapid shifts in the Earth's climate happen all at once or on opposing schedules in different hemispheres; finding a definitive answer will help them better predict climate shifts in future
3. Research in Germany will help scientists find a definitive answer about warming and cooling of the Earth and predict climate shifts in the future in a better manner.
4. More research rather than debates on warming or cooling of the Earth and exaggerated seasons in its hemispheres will help scientists in Germany predict climate changes better in future.
Scientists have been unsure whether rapid shifts in the Earth's climate happen all at once or on opposing schedules in different hemispheres; finding a definitive answer will help them better predict climate shifts in future