1.  help us empathise more with the personal problems of others.

2.  force us to look at the larger picture thereby identifying the roots of a problem.

3.  pave way for a cooperative effort to tackle societal problems.

4.  help man come to terms with the pace of changes in his society and his personal life.

Correct Answer :

pave way for a cooperative effort to tackle societal problems.

Explanation :
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1.  ignoring the fact that, historically, some Christians have been as fanatical as some Muslims.

2.  the belief that no famous Muslim ruler has given due recognition to people of other faiths.

3.  the assumption that the strength of political belief and religious faith go hand in hand.

4.  the tendency to believe that Islam ordains its followers to persecute non-Muslims.

Correct Answer :

the assumption that the strength of political belief and religious faith go hand in hand.

Explanation :
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1.  our recognition of our multiple identities will help us to be more reasonable.

2.  the West is at least partially responsible for the fanaticism of the Muslims.

3.  prioritizing any of our other identities will solve the problem of religious terrorism.

4.  a deeply religious person is incapable of moderation in political or social life.

Correct Answer :

our recognition of our multiple identities will help us to be more reasonable.

Explanation :
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1.  that is what makes it so interesting.

2.  that helps in distinguishing it from the other chemicals akin to it.

3.  had it been otherwise, all aquatic life would have been threatened.

4.  it defies all the laws in blissful ignorance

Correct Answer :

had it been otherwise, all aquatic life would have been threatened.

Explanation :
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1.  It is found nearly everywhere on planet earth.

2.  It can be both life giving and life threatening.

3.  It attracts people even though it is known to be dangerous, even fatal.

4.  It has unique properties that benefit life on the planet.

Correct Answer :

It has unique properties that benefit life on the planet.

Explanation :
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1.  In a deeply involved and passionate manner

2.  In an analytical and dispassionate manner

3.  Through a series of mutually contradictory phrases and clauses

4.  By building up to a climax and then crashing to an anti-climax

Correct Answer :

By building up to a climax and then crashing to an anti-climax

Explanation :
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1.  treatment, compounded

2.  detection, facilitated

3.  identification, complicated

4.  prevention, helped

Correct Answer :

identification, complicated

Explanation :
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1.   admitted, acquire

2.  conceded, offload

3.  announced, dispose

4.  ratified, auction

Correct Answer :

conceded, offload

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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