1.  make -up, realise

2.  expression, ascertain

3.  emotion, diagnose

4.  scars, understand

Correct Answer :

expression, ascertain

Explanation :
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1.   affair, weird

2.   activity, moving

3.   experience, significant

4.  atmosphere, gloomy

Correct Answer :

experience, significant

Explanation :
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1.  subordinate, traditions

2.  heirs, cliques

3.   ancestors, societies

4.  heir, traditions

Correct Answer :

heirs, cliques

Explanation :
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1.  they tend to compare their own goals, achievements etc. with those of men occupying different strata of society.

2.  they fail to connect the dots of society, self and history.

3.  they have no control over the structural changes that take place in their society.

4.  the values they have nurtured since childhood are no longer able to help them cope with their personal worlds.

Correct Answer :

they fail to connect the dots of society, self and history.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Women trying to play the roles of cultural stereotype and satisfying their own career goals.

2.  Man caught between the roles of a bread winner and an active participant in child rearing.

3.  The increasing trend of grandparents being forced to play the role of parents to their grandchildren.

4.  All the above three qualify as examples.

Correct Answer :

All the above three qualify as examples.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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