1.  Why should I go to the west to teach them

2.  Why does the west need me to teach them two and two make four ?

3.  Who does not know, two and two are four ?

4.  The western people know everything

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

Why does the west need me to teach them two and two make four ?

Explanation :
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1.  Gandhi is known for his succesful efforts to liberate India

2.  Gandhi was nationalist, he loved India, but he was no Indomaniac

3.  Most of Gandhi's followers in India were not Gandhians and did not share his ideals

4.  Gandhi was not interested in the liberty of India but in helping the Britons

5.  Gandhi never urged anyone to give up riches and authority

Correct Answer :

Gandhi was not interested in the liberty of India but in helping the Britons

Explanation :
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1.  citizen of India  

2.  well thought of India

3.  Indomaniac

4.  leader of India

5.  follower of India

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Both (1) and (2)    

2.  All the three (1), (2) and (3)

3.  Both (2) and (3)

4.  Only (3)

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

Only (3)

Explanation :
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1.  British-Boer  racial  discrimination  in South Africa and British imperialism in India

2.  Missionary activities in India

3.  He   fought   against   untouchability prevailing in India

4.  He fought for women rights

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

British-Boer  racial  discrimination  in South Africa and British imperialism in India

Explanation :
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1.  Due to great blood shed  

2.  He didn't want to see India free

3.  “Two bleeding children torn violently from the body of mother India”, he saw

4.  He wanted to make Mr. Jinnah the first Prime Minister of India

Correct Answer :

“Two bleeding children torn violently from the body of mother India”, he saw

Explanation :
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1.  He did not suppose them wrong (B)  (C)   (D)  (E) 

2.  He wanted to understand them

3.  He was kind enough to them

4.  He was a man of scientific view

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

He wanted to understand them

Explanation :
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1.  leave                        

2.  disown

3.  throw

4.  rid

5.  east

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  grow                         

2.  develop

3.  greater

4.  enlarge

5.  enhance

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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