1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5
5. 6
1. they would
2. cover the distance from the road to the point
3. where the waves would
4. begin lick their feet.
5. No error
begin lick their feet.
1. The Elephant hated his keeper
2. The Elephant was lonely
3. The Elephant was starving
4. The Elephant had hurt his leg and as in pain
5. None of these
The Elephant was lonely
1. To declare that whoever had that particular Dog would be punished
2. To keep a bowl of rice for the dog in the Elephant’s shed so that he could be lured back to the palace
3. To command the Elephantkeeper to look for the Dog in the village
4. To persuade the Elephant to call out to the Dog
5. None of these
To declare that whoever had that particular Dog would be punished
1. He no longer got his daily bowl of rice
2. He was unhappy with the King for having sold the Dog
3. He missed his friend the Dog
4. He was sold to an unknown man by his keeper
5. None of these
He missed his friend the Dog
1. Institute of Social Sciences Ambedkar University,Agra
2. Career and courses agencies
3. The Institute for Advanced Studies,Mumbai
4. A.M.U.Aligarh
5. None of these
The Institute for Advanced Studies,Mumbai
1. There are further scholarships for higher studies in various categories
2. One thing of primary importance is the selection of subject
3. The scholarships cover tuition fees and maintenance costs
4. The Employment News does not publish information regarding these scholarships
5. None of these
The Employment News does not publish information regarding these scholarships
1. It assures a good job on good package
2. It bears your all responsibilities
3. You are provided with sufficient information about all Universities all-over the world;it also keeps you updated with minute details
4. It administers strict discipline over the students to bring them on line
5. None of these
You are provided with sufficient information about all Universities all-over the world;it also keeps you updated with minute details
1. Founded by British and India Government
2. By U.S.A.and U.K.
3. By the foreign and commonwealth offices
4. Founded by U.A.R.and U.K.
5. Founded by Britain and Pakistan
By the foreign and commonwealth offices
1. Source
2. Skill
3. Stock
4. Means
5. Way