1.  it is as patient as an ass

2.  it does not punish the criminals severely

3.  punishments do not help to reform criminals

4.  criminals can escape punishment.

Correct Answer :

punishments do not help to reform criminals

Explanation :
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1.  in order to murder his enemy

2.  to cremate his mother

3.  so that he could be rearrested

4.  to see his four children undergoing treatment in the hospital

Correct Answer :

to cremate his mother

Explanation :
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1.  rushed her children to the hospital

2.  mixed an ineffective poison in the food

3.  was able to save three out of four children

4.  was deserted by her husband.

Correct Answer :

rushed her children to the hospital

Explanation :
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1.  don’t commit crimes frequently

2.  are less dangerous than other criminals

3.  represent poor society

4.  should not be clubbed with other criminals

Correct Answer :

are less dangerous than other criminals

Explanation :
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1.  the first is about a man and the other is about a woman

2.  the woman regrets what she has done, but not the man

3.  the man is a lifer but the woman is not

4.  the man and the woman belong to different communities

Correct Answer :

the woman regrets what she has done, but not the man

Explanation :
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1.  Ms Aung Suu Kyi has just been awarded the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize

2.  Ms Aung Suu Kyi was taking part in the Conference

3.  its main purpose was to change inequalities between men and women

4.  it was to protest against beauty contests

Correct Answer :

its main purpose was to change inequalities between men and women

Explanation :
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1.  Women also can bring greater peace to the world.

2.  Men cannot claim they have done more for peace.

3.  Women have the capacity for compassion and sacrifice.

4.  Men have done nothing to dissipate ignorance.

Correct Answer :

Men have done nothing to dissipate ignorance.

Explanation :
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1.  men have no right to judge women.

2.  men should be given more time to evaluate women.

3.  all women are beautiful in a way.

4.  beauty contests are not necessary.

Correct Answer :

men have no right to judge women.

Explanation :
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1.  beauty is certainly different from ugliness.

2.  beautiful women do not mingle with other women.

3.  beauty cannot be defined adequately.

4.  each woman is beautiful.

Correct Answer :

beauty cannot be defined adequately.

Explanation :
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1.  participants who were all beautiful

2.  a lot of excitement and cheerfulness in the conference hall

3.  absence of black coloured girls

4.  flags of various colours outside the conference hall

Correct Answer :

a lot of excitement and cheerfulness in the conference hall

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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