1.  Painters decided subjects based on what they remembered from their own lives.

2.  Painters of reeds and water in China faced no serious problem of choosing a subject.

3.  The choice of subject was a source of scandals in nineteenth century European art.

4.  Agreement on the general meaning of a painting is influenced by culture and historical context.

Correct Answer :

Painters decided subjects based on what they remembered from their own lives.

Explanation :
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1.  The more insecure a culture, the greater the freedom of the artist.

2.  The more secure a culture, the greater the freedom of the artist.

3.  The more secure a culture, more difficult the choice of subject.

4.  The more insecure a culture, the less significant the choice of the subject.

Correct Answer :

The more insecure a culture, the greater the freedom of the artist.

Explanation :
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1.  The politicians.

2.  The influential avaricious.

3.  The bureaucrats

4.  The impoverished sections of society.

Correct Answer :

The bureaucrats

Explanation :
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1.  Because it usurps the benefits earmarked for them.

2.  Because the government permits diversion of funds meant for the needy.

3.  Because politicians and bureaucrats are sincerely only once in five years.

4.  Because the government favours the wealthy.

Correct Answer :

Because the government permits diversion of funds meant for the needy.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  The government has projected a better picture of the economy than is justified.

2.  Indian is on the verge of a debt trap.

3.  India, as a nation has several strengths.

4.  None of the above.

Correct Answer :

None of the above.

Explanation :
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1.  16 times

2.  Slightly more than 16 times

3.  Cannot be determined from the passage

4.  None of the above

Correct Answer :

Cannot be determined from the passage

Explanation :
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1.  it was unable to deal with the fallouts of a sharp increase in capital.

2.  its cumulative capital had undesirable side-effects.

3.  its policies favoured developing the vast hinterland.

4.  it prevented the growth of a set-up which could have been capitalistic in nature.

Correct Answer :

it was unable to deal with the fallouts of a sharp increase in capital.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  The Supreme court.

2.  The telecom ministry.

3.  Peoples who cleared the criteria for selecting promoters.

4.  Peoples who keep protesting about selection procedure laid down by the government

Correct Answer :

Peoples who cleared the criteria for selecting promoters.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  National government

2.  Native capitalists

3.  New capitalists

4.  None of the above

Correct Answer :

None of the above

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  The poorest sections society

2.  The government itself

3.  The taxpayer.

4.  More than one of the above.

Correct Answer :

The taxpayer.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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