1. European agencies were enjoying its patronage and prestige.
2. Only the Shikarpuri used to operate in the metropolitan areas
3. The indigenous financial agencies constituted the bulk of the system
4. It operated on the basis of short-term credit instruments
The indigenous financial agencies constituted the bulk of the system
1. He did not change the minds of a knowledgeable public.
2. The people were willing to accept his views.
3. He failed to convince a suspicious congregation
4. He could not convince the doubting audience.
He could not convince the doubting audience.
1. The marwaris
2. The Shikarpuris
3. The Centtiars
4. The Gujarati shroffs
The marwaris
1. Calcutta and Bombay
2. Assam and South India
3. Delhi and Assam
4. Bombay and South India
Bombay and South India
1. They are just a means of remittance and collections of money.
2. They can draw money on a short-term basis on personal credit or security
3. They have a limited local circulation and are not accepted by commercial banks.
4. They are not accepted only by the commission agents
They have a limited local circulation and are not accepted by commercial banks.
1. The need of clean or unsecured loans for marginal short-term requirements of business.
2. The need to refinance other indigenous bankers who operate mostly in the metropolitan cities.
3. The need to keep up the call money market of the Gujarati shroffs.
4. The need to escape the risk involved in the loans taken from the commercial banks
The need of clean or unsecured loans for marginal short-term requirements of business.
1. Advanced technology, hit
2. Analysis, abuse
3. Passage of time, curse
4. Hindsight, hick
Hindsight, hick
1. worn out
2. second hand
3. impractical
4. appropriate
second hand
1. All of them are basically commission agents and function differently from a commercial bank.
2. They are largely based in urban areas, are hereditary and confined to some castes and communities
3. They are pure bankers and are confined to Gujarati with heavy concentration in Ahmedabad.
4. All of them operate only in the metropolitan cities of the country as traditional style bankers
They are largely based in urban areas, are hereditary and confined to some castes and communities
1. Moneylenders raise loans to conduct their transactions while indigenous bankers do not.
2. Indigenous bankers primary business is banking where as moneylenders’s primary professional is not the same
3. Moneylenders do not operate in metropolitan cities as indigenous bankers do.
4. Indigenous bankers lend money from their private funds ehile moneylenders do not
Indigenous bankers primary business is banking where as moneylenders’s primary professional is not the same