1.  the Vietnamese understood the local terrain better.

2.  the lack of support for the war from the American people.

3.  the failure of the U.S. to mobilize its military strength.

4.  their inability to fight a war on terms other than those they understood well.

Correct Answer :

their inability to fight a war on terms other than those they understood well.

Explanation :
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1.  It has not guaranteed peace and security.

2.  It may go as far as genocide for self-preservation.

3.  It represents the demands of communities within it.

4.  It is unable to prevent international wars.

Correct Answer :

It represents the demands of communities within it.

Explanation :
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1.  current policies need to be consistent with stated goals.

2.  contracting party trade practices need to be consistent with stated rules.

3.  enunciation of the most elementary community goals needed to be emphasized.

4.  actions of member states needed to be evaluated against the stated community goals.

Correct Answer :

actions of member states needed to be evaluated against the stated community goals.

Explanation :
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1.  Ambassador Kantor's defence of the WTO.

2.  The higher priority on export gains placed by many countries at the Uruguay Round.

3.  The export gains many countries came to associate with a rule-based system.

4.  The provision of a rule-based system by the WTO.

Correct Answer :

The export gains many countries came to associate with a rule-based system.

Explanation :
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1.  gave a new impetus to the momentum of legal development at the European Court of Justice.

2.  resulted in a decision that expanded incrementally the EU's internal market.

3.  strengthened the role of the Court more than envisaged in the Treaty of Rome.

4.  led to a doctrine that was a key turning point in European integration.

Correct Answer :

led to a doctrine that was a key turning point in European integration.

Explanation :
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1.  All individuals are paid equally for the work they do.

2.  Everyone is assigned some work for his or her livelihood.

3.  All acts of theft are penalized equally.

4.  All children are provided free education in similar schools.

5.  All individuals are provided a fixed sum of money to take care of their health.

Correct Answer :

All children are provided free education in similar schools.

Explanation :
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1.  is good for the forsaken and often deployed in human histories.

2.  is good for the forsaken, but not often deployed historically for the oppressed.

3.  occurs often as a means of keeping people oppressed.

4.  occurs often to invert the status quo.

Correct Answer :

occurs often as a means of keeping people oppressed.

Explanation :
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1.  Tepid, boiling

2.  lukewarm, electrifies

3.  turbid, fascinating

4.  apocryphal, genuinely fascinates

Correct Answer :

lukewarm, electrifies

Explanation :
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1.  Reluctant acquiescence

2.  Strident opposition

3.  Agonized indecision

4.  Reasoned criticism

Correct Answer :

Reasoned criticism

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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