1.  Poets and artists who are driven by courage.

2.  Poets and artists who create their own genre.

3.  Poets and artists of the Renaissance.

4.  Poets and artists who revitalize and enrich the past for us.

5.  Poets and artists who delve in flotsam and jetsam in sea.

Correct Answer :

Poets and artists of the Renaissance.

Explanation :
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1.  In the absence of strong biological linkages, re­ciprocal roles provide the mechanism for coordi­nating human behaviour.

2.  In the absence of reciprocal roles, biological link­ages proved the mechanism for coordinating hu­man behaviour.

3.  Human behaviour is independent of biological linkages and reciprocal roles.

4.  Human behaviour depends on biological linkages and reciprocal roles.

5.  Reciprocal roles determine normative human behaviour in society.

Correct Answer :

Reciprocal roles determine normative human behaviour in society.

Explanation :
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1.  The role of mother would have been defined through her reciprocal relationship with her chil­dren.

2.  We would not have been offended by the father playing his role 'tongue in cheek'.

3.  Women would have adopted and fostered chil­dren rather than giving birth to them.

4.  Even if warlords were physically weaker than their followers, they would still dominate them.

5.  Waiter would have stronger motivation to serve their customers.

Correct Answer :

We would not have been offended by the father playing his role 'tongue in cheek'.

Explanation :
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1.  More generally, data concerning the identities and relationships of the characters in the story are required if one is to understand role structure and social networks in which process is embedded.

2.  Personification of a whole organization abstracts away from the particular actors and from tradi­tional notions of level of analysis.

3.  The personification of a whole organization is important because stories differ depending on who is enacting various events.

4.  Every story is told from a particular point of view, with a particular narrative voice, which is not regarded as part of the deep structure.

5.  The personification of a whole organization is a textual device we use to make macro-level theo­ries more comprehensible.

Correct Answer :

The personification of a whole organization is a textual device we use to make macro-level theo­ries more comprehensible.

Explanation :
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1.  Yet, despite these technical development, photo­graphs still remain powerful because they are re­minders of the people and things we care about.

2.  Images, after all are surrogates carried into battle by a soldier or by a traveller on holiday.

3.  Photographs, be they digital or traditional, exist to remind us of the absent, the beloved, and the dead.

4.  In the new era of the digital image, the image also have a greater potential for fostering falsehood and trickery, perpetuating fictions that seem so real we cannot tell the difference.

5.  Anyway, human nature being what it is, little time has passed after photograph's invention became means of living life through images.

Correct Answer :

Photographs, be they digital or traditional, exist to remind us of the absent, the beloved, and the dead.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  But there was also the view, which again would appear on no inventory.

2.  No inventory would ever include those, of course.

3.  She had an intelligent secretary too.

4.  She was a good detective and a good woman.

5.  what she lacked in possessions was more than made up by a natural shrewdness.

Correct Answer :

No inventory would ever include those, of course.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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