1.  historian

2.  philosopher

3.  scientist

4.  theologian

Correct Answer :


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1.  The universe has unity.

2.  The universe has a purpose.

3.  The universe is evolving towards a goal.

4.  None of the above.

Correct Answer :

None of the above.

Explanation :
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1.  new County regulations will make them feel it is a right, and if they dont use it, it would be a loss.

2.  the bereaved in the community would find her a helpful friend.

3.  she will fight for subsistence allowance from the County Board for the poor among the bereaved.

4.  grief processing needs tools certified by universities and medical centres.

Correct Answer :

new County regulations will make them feel it is a right, and if they dont use it, it would be a loss.

Explanation :
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1.  Both are innovative technologies.

2.  Both result in migration of the communities into which the innovations are introduced.

3.  Both lead to deserts in the space of only one generation.

4.  Both are tools introduced by outsiders entering existing communities.

Correct Answer :

Both result in migration of the communities into which the innovations are introduced.

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1.  The creative output of a genius is invariably written down and recorded.

2.  The link between the creator and his output is unambiguous.

3.  The word 'genius' is derived from a Latin word which means 'to beget'.

4.  The music composer notates his music and thus becomes the 'father' of a particular piece of music.

Correct Answer :

The word 'genius' is derived from a Latin word which means 'to beget'.

Explanation :
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1.  teaching of North Indian classical music by word of mouth and direct demonstration.

2.  use of the recorded cassette as a transmission medium between the music teacher and the trainee.

3.  written down notation sheets of musical compositions.

4.  conductor’s baton and the orchestra.

Correct Answer :

teaching of North Indian classical music by word of mouth and direct demonstration.

Explanation :
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1.  storing the talas played upon the tabla, at various tempos.

2.  ensuring the continuance of an ancient tradition.

3.  transporting North Indian classical music across geographical borders.

4.  capturing the transient moment of oral transmission.

Correct Answer :

capturing the transient moment of oral transmission.

Explanation :
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1.  efficacy of the guru-shishya tradition.

2.  earning impact of direct demonstration.

3.  brain's ability to reproduce complex structures without the help of written marks.

4.  the ability of an illiterate person to narrate grand and intricate musical compositions.

Correct Answer :

brain's ability to reproduce complex structures without the help of written marks.

Explanation :
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1.  emphasises performance and invocation over the authority of genius and permanent record.

2.  makes the music no one’s property.

3.  values the composer more highly than the performer.

4.  supports oral transmission of traditional music.

Correct Answer :

emphasises performance and invocation over the authority of genius and permanent record.

Explanation :
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1.  It is easy to transfer a piece of Western classical music to a distant place.

2.  The conductor in the Western tradition, as a custodian, can modify the music, since it 'lies mute' in hisbaton.

3.  The authority of the Western classical music composer over his music product is unambiguous.

4.  The power of the Western classical music composer extends to the expression of his music.

Correct Answer :

The conductor in the Western tradition, as a custodian, can modify the music, since it 'lies mute' in hisbaton.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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