1. "That kings are gods"
2. "They have the right to be worshipped like gods their subjects."
3. "That the right of goveming is conferred upon kii _ by god."
4. "That the rights of kings are divine and therefore sacred "
5. None of these
None of these
1. "Decision that all sections of the society are represented."
2. "Candidate's qualificafions and seniority are considered."
3. "Candidate must know the charge of professional misconduct levelled against him."
4. "There should be strong reason for discrunination."
5. None of these
Candidate must know the charge of professional misconduct levelled against him.
"1. "because executive wing will depend on it heavily. "
2. "because judges will take judicial decisions on the basis ofit."
3. "it will be represented by a cross-section of the society."
4. "it will bring a qualitative change in the interpretafion oflaw. "
5. None of these
None of these
1. "Role of judiciary in free and democratic nations"
2. "Appointment of judicial commission"
3. "Seniority;as the basis of appointment of judges"
4. "Appointment of judicial posts "
5. None of these.
Appointment of judicial commission
"1. "Objective process of judicial appointments."
2. "Supreme Court's advisory opinion on legal metters."
3. "Responsible, free and fair judiciary."
4. "Lively and frank debate in the society on the role of judiciary."
5. None of these
Responsible, free and fair judiciary.
"1. "An independent and upright judiciary"
2. "Delays taking place in legal pronouncements"
3. "Justice being denied to poor people"
4. "Partiality and subjectivity in judicial appointments"
5. None of these
Partiality and subjectivity in judicial appointments
"1. "Sacrifice"
2. "Accept"
3. "Modify"
4. "Destroy"
5. Advocate
"1. "New types oftraveilers will start flying."
2. "It will increase the connectivity in the country."
3. "It will have ripple effect on the international airlines Hi reduce fare."
4. "Air travel among business people would increase. "
5. "Earlier, those who could not afford high fare woiikl now consider flying,"
It will have ripple effect on the international airlines Hi reduce fare.
"1. "Inability of parents and teachers to develop value base of children"
2. "More than expected growth of science and technology"
3. "Increasing social cohesiveness IN SPITE OF violence and disturbances"
4. "Emergence of new social norms which obstmct growth of individualism"
5. None of these
Inability of parents and teachers to develop value base of children
"1. "Respected"
2. "Valued"
3. "Related"
4. "Thought"
5. Estimated