1.  "  ranks "

2.  "established "

3.  "classified "

4.  "collected "

5.  "compiled "

Correct Answer :



Explanation :
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1.  "  blame "

2.  "involved "

3.  "resourceful "

4.  "convicted "

5.  "alleged "

Correct Answer :



Explanation :
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1.  "They pooled money to ensure they could complete the pilgrimage.  "

2.  "They were secretly pleased as they were jealous.  "

3.  "They wanted to help the old couple and gave them advice"

4.  "They devised a plan to get the money back from Kamlesh themselves"

5.  "They did not care about the couple’s problem.  "

Correct Answer :

They wanted to help the old couple and gave them advice


Explanation :
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1.  "All their pillows and belongings had been stolen"

2.  "They had forgotten where they had hidden the bag.  "

3.  "They had overslept and could not complete their pilgrimage that day."

4.  "The inn keeper had presented them with a huge bill.  "

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

None of these

Explanation :
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1.  "He was planning to bribe the minister  "

2.  "The minister had told him that he doubted the old couple’s story"

3.  "He considered the minister a fool  "

4.  "He did not know of the minister's real plan to catch the thief  "

5.  "Not even his wife knew he had stolen the money.  "

Correct Answer :

He did not know of the minister's real plan to catch the thief



Explanation :
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1.  "They considered it part of their pilgrimage  "

2.  "The minister had accompanied them and helped them carry it  "

3.  "They were relieved that the minister had declared them innocent"

4.  "The distance between the king's court and the minister's house was not much"

5.  "They were convinced along the way that God knew of their innocence.  "

Correct Answer :

They were convinced along the way that God knew of their innocence.



Explanation :
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1.  "Foreign"

2.  "mysterious  "

3.  "Extraordinary "

4.  "crazy   "

5.  "Unknowing  "

Correct Answer :




Explanation :
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1.  "It is to show our devotion towards God."

2.  "To reduce the calories."

3.  "To give rest to our body"

4.  "To make body fit and healthy."

5.  "None of these"

Correct Answer :

None of these


Explanation :
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1.  "To an empty tank"

2.  "Working in full gear"

3.  "Running a car without fuel"

4.  "Skipping meals"

5.  "None of these"

Correct Answer :

Running a car without fuel


Explanation :
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1.  "Taking a good diet"

2.  "Taking of insufficient fluids"

3.  "observing fast"

4.  "lowering of the glucose by 50 percent"

5.  "None of these"

Correct Answer :

lowering of the glucose by 50 percent


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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