1.  "because the two are unconnected, and hence ideas that may emerge may provide radical insightsinto the problem."

2.  "because the analogy assists in leading to the solution along a more structured and logical path."

3.  "because the analogy benefits from its loose association with natural phenomena which in turnenhances the visualization capability of the problem solver."

4.  "due to the variety of options that an analogy can create which makes problem solving moveforward."

Correct Answer :

due to the variety of options that an analogy can create which makes problem solving moveforward.


Explanation :
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1.  "highlight the benefits of one analogy over another."

2.  "demonstrate the importance of using various analogies to solve the same problem."

3.  "prove that analogies that parallel the logic of the problem are ineffective in solving the problem."

4.  "point out that using an unrelated or loosely related analogy may provide equivalent or bettersolutions as it frees the mind to think on a larger canvas."

Correct Answer :

point out that using an unrelated or loosely related analogy may provide equivalent or bettersolutions as it frees the mind to think on a larger canvas.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "The government had no control over the functioning of the army."

2.  "The army was non political by nature and refrained from siding any political masters."

3.  "The army functioned independent of the government and in fact despised both government and civilians."

4.  "The army was anti parliamentarians and promoted revolutionary ideology amongst its classes."

Correct Answer :

The army functioned independent of the government and in fact despised both government and civilians.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  " Gaulle realized the advantage of being a part of the main striking force of the services."

2.  "Gaulle was not qualified to join the services of the more fashionable navy or aviation."

3.  "Gaulle had trained his sights on his mentor, the commander of the 33rd Infantry, Petain."

4.  "Gaulle had already served in the 33rd Infantry and was familiar with its operation."

Correct Answer :

Gaulle realized the advantage of being a part of the main striking force of the services.


Explanation :
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1.  "the French army during Gaulle service was hierarchical and new recruits had little chance toprove themselves."

2.  "Gaulle admired and supported Petain even when the latter was accused of being a traitor."

3.  "the French army enacted laws to discourage its officer from attending church service."

4.  "Charles de Gaulle was unconventional in his thinking and rash in his decisions."

Correct Answer :

the French army enacted laws to discourage its officer from attending church service.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Accidents caused by tornadoes, perils of the sea, extraordinary floods, and severe ice storms areusually considered acts of God, but fires are not so considered unless they are caused by lightning."

2.  "But then I would rather be truthful than to put an act on all the time."

3.  "The governor should act on the new energy bill."

4.  "The veteran artist was asked to get his act together for a more realistic portrayal of a man in trouble."

Correct Answer :

The veteran artist was asked to get his act together for a more realistic portrayal of a man in trouble.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "A violent fight over the bill is expected in the parliament."

2.  "The Dean is fighting for his favorite candidate."

3.  "He fought of ten challengers on his way to the finals of the championship."

4.  "The gauls had the uncanny ability to fight their way out of the most difficult of situations."

Correct Answer :

He fought of ten challengers on his way to the finals of the championship.


Explanation :
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1.  "The soldiers held their ground against the enemy."

2.  "The scientists covered new ground in every space mission."

3.  "He was grounded for his outbursts against the leader."

4.  "Dravid was questioned on grounds of his declaration of the India innings, as Tendulkar wasstranded a few short of a historic double century."

Correct Answer :

Dravid was questioned on grounds of his declaration of the India innings, as Tendulkar wasstranded a few short of a historic double century.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Even after injury to many soldiers of their team, there was no let up in their efforts."

2.  "The team leader finally let his team on their mission."

3.  "I let it be known that I was not interested."

4.  "Unable to overpower the intruder, John let his dog fly at his intruder’s throat."

Correct Answer :

The team leader finally let his team on their mission.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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