1. "the treaty must be a flexible one"
2. "it is better to err and be flexible than not to err at all"
3. "being flexible is an error"
4. "a rigid deal would not serve its purpose"
the treaty must be a flexible one
"1. "the Dasha Avatar"
2. "the fact that we are now in Kali yuga"
3. "theories given by Hindu mythologists"
4. "none of the above"
the Dasha Avatar
"1. "to fight the forces of evil"
2. "to advance his avatars"
3. "to bring justice to the world"
4. "none of these"
to fight the forces of evil
"1. "the cycle of evolution and destruction is a never-ending process"
2. "each cycle of evolution could be millions of years long"
3. "there are always forces of good and evil fighting each other"
4. "none of the above"
the cycle of evolution and destruction is a never-ending process
"1. "modern cinema was invented in France"
2. "France sabotaged the GATT trade talks to have audio-visual material exempted from free trade agreements"
3. "many countries from Brazil to Mexico have protested against American dominance of American culture"
4. "none of the above"
modern cinema was invented in France
"1. "metaphor"
2. "simile"
3. "analogy"
4. "Paradox"
"1. "Hollywood is a powerful force"
2. "There is an identifiable thing called “American culture”"
3. "America dominates world cinema "
4. "both (2) and (3)"
both (2) and (3)
"1. "Hollywood wants to cater to global tastes"
2. "Hollywood is promoting American culture"
3. "Hollywood should not encourage people of different nationalities"
4. "it is not possible to live without Hollywood’s influence anywhere in the world"
Hollywood wants to cater to global tastes
"1. "people like to see American programs and television stations must cater to local tastes"
2. "there is a heavy demand in home countries for American programs"
3. "commercial television stations can get cheap content from America"
4. "American programs are immediately accepted by audiences"
commercial television stations can get cheap content from America
"1. "American cinema poses a greater threat to culture than is imagined"
2. "American cinema does not pose a greater threat to culture than is imagined"
3. "American cinema is not as American as is generally believed"
4. "it is a mistaken belief that American cinema is dominant in the world"
it is a mistaken belief that American cinema is dominant in the world