1. "Bills discounting scheme option is not advisable for a new player in the money market."
2. "Manufacturing companies should not treat short term investments as a regular business line for making profits."
3. "PMS funds should subjected to the restriction imposed by Janakiraman Committee."
4. "Genuine corporate financial professional is a very rare commodity today."
Manufacturing companies should not treat short term investments as a regular business line for making profits.
"1. "FJIJ"
2. "JFIF"
3. "FIFJ"
4. "IFFJ"
"1. "stressing on building European links."
2. "focusing on forging European links"
3. "pursuing ways of building European connectivity."
4. "concentrating on creating European links"
concentrating on creating European links
"1. "may also be well advised"
2. "should know their limits when they have"
3. "may have to remember."
4. "may need to learn how."
may also be well advised
"1. "affirm their responsibility to the country"
2. "prove their strength"
3. "bring down the central government"
4. "exhibit their virility"
prove their strength
"1. "technology, hit"
2. "new ideas, disparage"
3. "the passage of time, curse"
4. "hindsight, kick"
the passage of time, curse
"1. "farm, liberalize"
2. "middle-class, privatize"
3. " workers', suppress "
4. "rural, restructure"
rural, restructure
"1. "superficial attempt at liberalization "
2. "lack of solution"
3. "large change "
4. "small regulating authority"
superficial attempt at liberalization
1. "religious, technological "
2. "cultural, ethnic"
3. "political, economic "
4. "ideological, cultural"
ideological, cultural
"1. "paradox, tries"
2. "irony, intends"
3. "paradox,needs "
4. "irony,wishes"
irony, intends