1.  "so too are modems, they are the devices to allow"

2.  "so too are modems, the devices that allow"

3.  "  so too modems, the devices allowing"

4.  "also modems, they are the devices that allow"

5.  "also modems, which are the devices to allow  "

Correct Answer :

so too are modems, the devices that allow


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump"

2.  "  reduced the phosphate amount that municipalities had been dumping"

3.  "reduces the phosphate amount municipalities have been allowed to dump"

4.  "reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities are allowed to dump"

5.  "reduces the amount of phosphates allowed for dumping by municipalities"

Correct Answer :

reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "in healing physical and mental ills or thanking her for such help"

2.  "  in healing physical and mental ills and to thank her for helping"

3.  "in healing physical and mental ills, and thanking her for helping"

4.  "to heal physical and mental ills or to thank her for such help"

5.  "to heal physical and mental ills or thanking her for such help"

Correct Answer :

in healing physical and mental ills or thanking her for such help


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "is a process that leaves editors, instead of printers, assemble"

2.  "refers to a process that allows editors, rather than printers, to assemble"

3.  "  is a process leaving the editors, rather than printers, to assemble"

4.  "refers to a process which allows editors, but not to printers, the assembly of"

5.  "has reference to the process leaving to editors, instead of the printer, assembling"

Correct Answer :

refers to a process that allows editors, rather than printers, to assemble


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "as does"

2.  "  so do"

3.  "as do"

4.  "so is the case with"

5.  "similarly, does"

Correct Answer :

as does


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "year, and they cost the nation $50 billion in medical expenses and lost"

2.  "year and thus cost the nation $50 billion in medical expenses and lost"

3.  "year, so as to cost the nation $50 billion in medical expenses and lost"

4.  "year that costs the nation $50 billion in lost medical expenses and"

5.  "year, which thus cost the nation $50 billion in lost medical expenses and"

Correct Answer :

year, and they cost the nation $50 billion in medical expenses and lost


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Like many others of his generation of Native American leaders, Joseph Brant lived in two worlds"

2.  "  Like many others of his generation of Native American leaders, living in two worlds, Joseph Brant was"

3.  "Like many another of his generation of Native American leaders, Joseph Brant, living in twoworlds, was"

4.  "As with many others of his generation of Native American leaders, living in two worlds, Joseph Brant was"

5.  "As with many another of his generation of Native American leaders, Joseph Brant lived in two worlds;"

Correct Answer :

Like many others of his generation of Native American leaders, Joseph Brant lived in two worlds


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "deaths, injury to thousands, and seriously damaging"

2.  "deaths and injuring thousands, and serious damage to"

3.  "deaths, thousands who are injured, as well as seriously damaging"

4.  "deaths and thousands of injuries, as well as doing serious damage to"

5.  "  deaths, thousands are injured, and they do serious damage to  "

Correct Answer :

deaths and thousands of injuries, as well as doing serious damage to


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "the program will trace"

2.  "the program s6a11 trace"

3.  "there will be a program tracing"

4.  "it is a program that traces"

5.  "it will be a program tracing"

Correct Answer :

the program will trace


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "specu1ators having bought on margin; they had to sell,and"

2.  "specu1ators who had bought on margin; having had to sell"

3.  "speculators who had bought on margin; they had to sell, and"

4.  "specu1ators, those who bad bought on margin;these speculators had to sell, and"

5.  "speculators, who, having bought on margin and having to sel1"

Correct Answer :

speculators who had bought on margin; they had to sell, and


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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