1.  "call it quits"

2.  "appointed an heir"

3.  "stepped down"

4.  " none of these"

Correct Answer :

appointed an heir


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "tell individual genes both when to become active and when to remain"

2.  "  tell individual genes both at which time they should become active or should remain"

3.  "tells individual genes both when to become active or remain"

4.  "tells individual genes both when to become active or when to remain"

5.  "will tell an individual gene both about when it should become active and remain"

Correct Answer :

tell individual genes both when to become active and when to remain


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Unlike the lives of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoi, and Dostoevski, subjects of other Troyat biographies, Chekhov belongs"

2.  "Chekhov, unlike the other Troyat biographies of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoi, and Dostoevski, belongs"

3.  "The life of Chekhov, unlike the lives of the subjects of other Troyat biographies, Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoi, and Dostoevski, belongs"

4.  "  Chekhov and his life, unlike that of the other Troyat biographies--- Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoi, and Dostoevski, belong"

5.  "The life of Chekhov, unlike that of other Troyat biographies of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoi, and Dostoevski, belongs"

Correct Answer :

The life of Chekhov, unlike the lives of the subjects of other Troyat biographies, Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoi, and Dostoevski, belongs


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "but to leading them through stages"

2.  " but to facilitating them via stages."

3.  " but to lead him by stages."

4.  "but to effect them vis-a-vis stages"

Correct Answer :

 but to lead him by stages.


Explanation :
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1.  "Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sarajevo's population"

2.  "Bosnia-Herzegovina is Sarajevo, whose population"

3.  "Bosnia-Herzegovina is Sarajevo, with a population"

4.  "Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sarajevo having a population that"

5.  "Bosnia-Herzegovina, the population of Sarajevo"

Correct Answer :

Bosnia-Herzegovina is Sarajevo, whose population


Explanation :
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1.  "Obvious"

2.  "Conspicuous"

3.  "Clear"

4.  "Minimised"

Correct Answer :



Explanation :
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1.  "Suspectible"

2.  "Sensible"

3.  "Sensitive"

4.  "Vulnerable"

Correct Answer :



Explanation :
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1.  "The growing demand for housing, traffic congestion, and longer commuting trips has"

2.  "Traffic congestion, the growing demand for housing, and longer commuting trips has"

3.  "Longer commuting trips, traffic congestion, and the growing demand for housing has"

4.  "Traffic congestion, longer commuting trips, and the growing demand for housing have"

5.  "  The growing demand for housing, as well as traffic congestion and longer commuting trips, have"

Correct Answer :

Traffic congestion, longer commuting trips, and the growing demand for housing have


Explanation :
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1.  "For"

2.  "Over"

3.  "Off"

4.  "Out"

Correct Answer :



Explanation :
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1.  "than into"

2.  "than they do"

3.  "than they are"

4.  "as into"

5.  "as"

Correct Answer :

than into


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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