1. "Fragonard is an 18th century artist."
2. "Picasso combined classicism and modernism in 'Woman in a white Hat""."
3. "Renoir was a semi - Classicist, who became an Impressionist "
4. "Gauguin suffered from post - Impressionism anxiety."
Renoir was a semi - Classicist, who became an Impressionist
"1. "pillars"
2. "landscapes"
3. "figures"
4. "women"
"1. "Renoir was greatly misunderstood in his lifetime."
2. "Classicism and modernism don't go together."
3. "Renoir's later work appealed to modern tastes."
4. "Renoir's artistic appeal waned in the twilight of his career."
Classicism and modernism don't go together.
"1. "It is a vain attempt by man to underpin his fragile existence."
2. "It is in danger of becoming a latter day religion."
3. "Were the search to yield positive results, man would accord those creatures super god status."
4. "The belief that there are aliens in the universe springs from enormous faith and the pursuit reflects man's spiritual urge."
Were the search to yield positive results, man would accord those creatures super god status.
"1. "No diagnostic study or analysis of the stock market is complete without the use of this barometer."
2. "The stock index is a better barometer today in comparison to what it was a decade ago."
3. "A stock price index reveals the health of companies and the economy."
4. "A stock price index hides more than it reveals."
A stock price index reveals the health of companies and the economy.
"1. "Home loans have brought houses within the reach of the common man."
2. "The boat reached the island under the cover of darkness."
3. "The union and the management failed to reach an agreement."
4. "Modern psychology seeks to explore the deep reach of the human mind."
Modern psychology seeks to explore the deep reach of the human mind.
"1. "Most of the vehicles filtered to the left."
2. "The preliminary test filters out those students who are not good at mathematics."
3. "The new policies adopted by the management have not yet filtered down to the staff."
4. "As soon as the doors of the museum were opened the people started filtering through."
Most of the vehicles filtered to the left.
"1. "profundity . . . ditties"
2. "vitriol . . . disparagement"
3. "contempt . . . anachronisms"
4. "provinciality . . . rusticity"
vitriol . . . disparagement
"1. "antipathy . . . amicably"
2. "disharmony . . . easily"
3. "animosity . . . amiably"
4. "relationship . . . peacefully"
antipathy . . . amicably
"1. "a and d"
2. "c and d"
3. "Only a"
4. "b and c"
Only a