1.  "She did not have passing marks in mathematics."

2.  "The mad woman was cursing everybody passing her on the road."

3.  "At the birthday party all the children enjoyed a game of passing the parcel."

4.  "A passing taxi was stopped to rush the accident victim to the hospital."

Correct Answer :

She did not have passing marks in mathematics.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "The stage of attachment"

2.  "The stage of abstinence"

3.  "The stage of renunciation"

4.  "The stage of house-holder"

Correct Answer :

The stage of attachment


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "It includes both tolerance and rigid caste distinctions."

2.  "It shows a tendency to move from pluralism to monism"

3.  "It is a dynamic religion, a genuinely living and growing one."

4.  "Both male deities and female deities are worshipped."

Correct Answer :

It includes both tolerance and rigid caste distinctions.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Nagasaki suffered from the fallout of nuclear radiation."

2.  "People believed that the political fallout of the scandal would be insignificant."

3.  "Who can predict the environmental fallout of the WTO agreements"

4.  "The headmaster could not understand the fallout of several of his good students at the public examination."

Correct Answer :

The headmaster could not understand the fallout of several of his good students at the public examination.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Are referred to as Aryans."

2.  "Are referred to as pre-Aryans."

3.  "Were in contact with the people of this Indus Valley."

4.  "Both (2) and (3)"

Correct Answer :

Both (2) and (3)


Explanation :
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1.  "Bank deposits have increased during the year."

2.  "Demand growth has slid during the year."

3.  "Propensity to demand has increased during the year."

4.  "Both (1) and (2)"

Correct Answer :

Both (1) and (2)


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "The bear grip will end soon."

2.  "The bear grip will end sometime."

3.  "The bear grip at present is the longest one in the entire history of Indian capital markets."

4.  "More than one of the above."

Correct Answer :

The bear grip will end sometime.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Scientists have been unsure whether rapid shifts in the Earth's climate happen all at once or on opposing schedules in different hemispheres; research will help find a definitive answer and better predict climate shifts in future."

2.  "Scientists have been unsure whether rapid shifts in the Earth's climate happen all at once or on opposing schedules in different hemispheres; finding a definitive answer will help them better predict climate shifts in future."

3.  "Research in Germany will help scientists find a definitive answer about warming and cooling of the Earth and predict climate shifts in the future in a better manner."

4.  "More research rather than debates on warming or cooling of the Earth and exaggerated ""seasons in its hemispheres will help scientists in Germany predict climate changes better in future. "

Correct Answer :

Scientists have been unsure whether rapid shifts in the Earth's climate happen all at once or on opposing schedules in different hemispheres; finding a definitive answer will help them better predict climate shifts in future.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Even if I have tears in me"

2.  " Despite conditions of extreme adversity"

3.  " Inspite of misery around me"

4.  "Although I have yet to make it big"

Correct Answer :

Despite conditions of extreme adversity


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Nietzsche urges the decadent and enfeebled modern society to forego intellect and give importance to creative instincts."

2.  "Nietzsche urges the decadent and enfeebled modern society to smother the will with excessive intellectualising and ignite a zest for living."

3.  "Nietzsche criticizes the intellectuals for enfeebling the modern bourgeois society by not nurturing man's creative instincts."

4.  "Nietzsche blames excessive intellectualization for the decline of modern society and suggests nurturing creative instincts instead."

Correct Answer :

Nietzsche blames excessive intellectualization for the decline of modern society and suggests nurturing creative instincts instead.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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