1.  " Issuing rights to the existing shareholders. "

2.  " The distributive capacity of stockbrokers."

3.  "Encouraging new entrepreneurs."

4.  "Demands for new issues from the public"

Correct Answer :

The distributive capacity of stockbrokers.


Explanation :
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1.  "innovative; communicator"

2.  "enchanting; leaders"

3.  "disingenuous; victims"

4.  "exigent; exploiters"

5.  "tragic; sufferers"

Correct Answer :

disingenuous; victims


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "tenets; fixation"

2.  "aspects; inhibitions"

3.  "institutions; inhibitions"

4.  "organs; tradition"

5.  "departments; repulsion"

Correct Answer :

tenets; fixation


Explanation :
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1.  " A careful scrutiny of a new issue proposal. "

2.  " Managing successful flotation of new issues."

3.  "Ensuring the purchase of a certain amount of a new issue a fixed price."

4.  "Writing reports on materializing the expected sale to the public"

Correct Answer :

Ensuring the purchase of a certain amount of a new issue a fixed price.


Explanation :
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1.  "It closes the way for companies to convert come their reserves to their capital. "

2.  "It is always offered at a lower price than the running market price of the already trading shares of the company."

3.  "The discount in price that it offers is in the form of a bonus to the shareholders"

4.  "It is open to an existing public limited corporation not a new cone"

Correct Answer :

It closes the way for companies to convert come their reserves to their capital.


Explanation :
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1.  "I must run fast to catch up with him."

2.  "Our team scored a goal against the run of play."

3.  "You can’t run over him like that."

4.  "The newly released book is enjoying a popular run."

5.  "This film is a run-of-the-mill production."

Correct Answer :

You can’t run over him like that.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "The police fired a round of tear gas shells."

2.  "The shop is located round the corner."

3.  "We took a ride on the merry-go-round."

4.  "The doctor is on a hospital round."

5.  "I shall proceed further only after you come around to admitting it."

Correct Answer :

I shall proceed further only after you come around to admitting it.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Low salaries and poor infrastructures of schools."

2.  " Increase in the number of schools"

3.  "The increase in the number of pass-outs from the teacher training institutes."

4.  "The define of spiritualism in teachers"

Correct Answer :

Low salaries and poor infrastructures of schools.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "After the long hike our knees were beginning to buckle."

2.  "The horse suddenly broke into a buckle."

3.  "The accused did not buckle under police interrogation."

4.  "Sometimes, an earthquake can make a bridge buckle."

5.  "People should learn to buckle up as soon as they get into the car."

Correct Answer :

The horse suddenly broke into a buckle.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "It results in the suppression of their hidden talents."

2.  "It kills the creation of a new power-thought among them."

3.  " It defines a favorable atmosphere for them to develop their skills."

4.  "It suppresses their ability to cope with classroom teaching"

Correct Answer :

It kills the creation of a new power-thought among them.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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