1.  "Let’s sort these boys into four groups."

2.  "They serve tea of a sort on these trains."

3.  "Farmers of all sort attended the rally."

4.  "What sort of cheese do you use in pizza"

Correct Answer :

Farmers of all sort attended the rally.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "A virus has infected the host computer."

2.  "Ranchi will play the host to the next national film festival"

3.  "Kerala’s forests are host to a range of snakes."

4.  "If you host the party, who will foot the bill"

Correct Answer :

Kerala’s forests are host to a range of snakes.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "B and C"

2.  "C"

3.  "A and B"

4.  "B, C and D"

Correct Answer :

B, C and D


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "But it is time he let go of the reins"

2.  "However it is time that he stepped down."

3.  "It is perhaps an opportune moment to quit."

4.  "But it is just as well that he calls it a day."

Correct Answer :

But it is time he let go of the reins


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "There is no telling what the future will do."

2.  "There is no telling what the subsequent one will do."

3.  " It is not clear whether its successors will do the same."

4.  "Nobody can be sure that subsequent governments will adhere to that policy."

Correct Answer :

There is no telling what the subsequent one will do.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Blooming all over the place."

2.  "Sprouting shoots over the horizon."

3.  "Fast dotting the landscape."

4.  "Mushrooming across the country. "

Correct Answer :

Mushrooming across the country.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Be quite erroneous."

2.  "Be quite erogenous."

3.  "Inevitably be erroneous."

4.  "Be errorful."

Correct Answer :

Be quite erroneous.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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