1.  "Discuss the rise and fall of academic medical centers"

2.  "Explain that multiple lines of authority in a medical centre create inefficiencies"

3.  "Delineate conflicts occurring in academic medical facilities"

4.  "Examine the differences between academic and other health care entities"

Correct Answer :

Examine the differences between academic and other health care entities


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Most of them lack good business sense."

2.  "They put patients' physical health above their hospitals' monetary concerns."

3.  "They sometimes focus on education at the expense of patient care."

4.  "They lack official affiliation with the medical schools connected to AMCs."

Correct Answer :

They sometimes focus on education at the expense of patient care.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "The WTL'L was an important component of the AFLs multiform assault on industry and its treatment of workers."

2.  " Because of Eleanor Roosevelt's affiliation with the organization, the WTUL was a vehicle through which the AFL could gain access to the White House."

3.  "The WTUL was to be avoided because the radical element within it attracted unwanted government scrutiny."

4.  "The WTUL offered the AFL some political capital but little that would assist it in labor negotiations."

Correct Answer :

The WTUL offered the AFL some political capital but little that would assist it in labor negotiations.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Refute the idea that change is bad for a corporation's long-term health"

2.  "Describe how long-term planning, despite some potential pitfalls, can help a corporation to grow"

3.  "Compare and contrast two styles of corporate planning"

4.  "Evaluate the strategic planning goals of corporate America today"

Correct Answer :

Describe how long-term planning, despite some potential pitfalls, can help a corporation to grow


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "A reliance on outside consultants who did not necessarily understand the nuts and bolts of the business"

2.  "A dependence on theoretical models that did not always perfectly describe the workings of the company"

3.  "An inherent weakness in the company's own ability to implement the strategic plan"

4.  "An excess of information and data that made it difficult to get to key concepts"

Correct Answer :

An inherent weakness in the company's own ability to implement the strategic plan


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Put forth an opposing view on strategic plans so that she can then refute it"

2.  "Illustrate that when strategic planning is ""hands-on."" it produces uninspiring results"

3.  "Give a concrete example of why strategic planning did not work during the 1980s"

4.  "Support her contention that strategic planning when done correctly can be very successful"

Correct Answer :

Support her contention that strategic planning when done correctly can be very successful


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Plot photometric curves"

2.  "Utilize photometric data"

3.  "Understand Photometric techniques "

4.  "Have mathematical expertise"

Correct Answer :

Utilize photometric data


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "A surface color "

2.  "An achromatic color"

3.  "An organic colors "

4.  "A diffuse color"

Correct Answer :

An achromatic color


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Working of a microprocessor."

2.  "Working of a logic gate"

3.  "Working of a magneto resistance based chip."

4.  "Working of a magneto tunneling-junction(MTJ) base chip."

Correct Answer :

Working of a logic gate


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Electronic memory chips are faster and non-volatile."

2.  "Electronic and magnetic storage technologies play a complementary role."

3.  "MTJs are the more promising idea, compared to the magneto resistance approach."

4.  "Non-volatile electronics is the company set up to commercialise the GMR chips."

Correct Answer :

Electronic memory chips are faster and non-volatile.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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