1.  " major patriarchal religions"

2.  " countries with low population density."

3.  "medical profession"

4.  "None of the above."

Correct Answer :

None of the above.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Include IPR issues in the TRIPs agreement."

2.  "Nationalise MNCs engaged in private research in biotechnology."

3.  "Encourage domestic firms to patent their innovations."

4.  "Make provisions in the law for user compensation against failure of newly developed varieties."

Correct Answer :

Make provisions in the law for user compensation against failure of newly developed varieties.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Indian historian began writing Indian history."

2.  "Trained historians began writing Indian history"

3.  "Writing India-centric Indian history began."

4.  "Indian history began to be written in India."

Correct Answer :

Trained historians began writing Indian history


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Development of newer and newer varieties will lead to increase in biodiversity."

2.  "MNCs may underplay the negative consequences of the newer technology on environment."

3.  "Newer varieties of seeds may increase vulnerability of crops to pests and diseases."

4.  "Reforms in patent laws and user compensation against crop failures would be needed to address newtechnology problems."

Correct Answer :

Development of newer and newer varieties will lead to increase in biodiversity.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "address the problem of adverse consequences of genetically engineered new varieties of grain."

2.  "fulfil the WTO requirement to have an agreement on trade related property rights."

3.  "provide incentives to innovators by way of protecting their intellectual property."

4.  "give credibility to the innovations made by MNCs in the field of pharmaceuticals and agriculture."

Correct Answer :

provide incentives to innovators by way of protecting their intellectual property.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Public research is not driven by profit motive."

2.  "Private companies may not be able to absorb losses arising out of the negative effects of the new technologies."

3.  "Unlike new technology products, knowledge and techniques for resource management are not amenable to simple market transactions."

4.  "All of the above."

Correct Answer :

All of the above.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "attitudes of the historian changed."

2.  "the Raj was settled down."

3.  "politics did not retain its past glamour."

4.  "administrative history was based on solid ground ."

Correct Answer :

the Raj was settled down.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  " Writing history as personal narratives."

2.  "Writing history with political bias."

3.  "Writing non-political due to lack of glamour."

4.  "Writing history by dissecting elements and integrating them again."

Correct Answer :

Writing history by dissecting elements and integrating them again.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  "Public and quasi-public institutions are not interested in making profits."

2.  "Public and quasi-public institutions have a broader and long-term outlook than private companies."

3.  "Private companies are incapable of building products based on traditional and folk knowledge."

4.  "Traditional and folk knowledge cannot be protected by patents."

Correct Answer :

Public and quasi-public institutions have a broader and long-term outlook than private companies.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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