1.  A

2.  B

3.  C

4.  D

5.  E

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  A

2.  B

3.   C

4.  D

5.  E

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  A

2.  B

3.  C

4.  D

5.  E

Correct Answer :


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1.  As global warming is not issue of concern

2.  As the temperatures may rise almost by an additional one degree and this lead to severe climate change.

3.  As the NCAR has forced the European Union to announce the cuts.

4.  As all the nations have decided to cut emissions of carbon dioxide

5.   None of these

Correct Answer :

As the temperatures may rise almost by an additional one degree and this lead to severe climate change.

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1.  Temperatures will stop soaring

2.  Ice in the Arctic sea would melt at a slower pace

3.  The rise in sea level would be lesser

4.  All of the above would be the impact

5.   None of these

Correct Answer :

None of these

Explanation :
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1.  The temperature would rise from the current temperature by 2.2 degrees Celsius

2.  The sea-level would rise by about 5.5 inches

3.  The arctic ice would stabilize by 2100

4.  The arctic ice would reduce by one fourth

5.   None of these

Correct Answer :

The temperature would rise from the current temperature by 2.2 degrees Celsius

Explanation :
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1.  A study of the rise in water level

2.  A study of rise in temperatures

3.  A study of the effects of greenhouse gas emissions

4.  A study of the Arctic region

5.  A study of change in seasons

Correct Answer :

A study of the effects of greenhouse gas emissions

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1.  At present the carbon dioxide emission about 284 ppm

2.  The carbon dioxide emissions will be about 450 ppm at the end of this century if unchecked

3.  The carbon dioxide emissions was about 380 ppm during the preindustrial era.

4.  The carbon dioxide emissions will be about 750 ppm at the end of this century if unchecked

5.   None of these

Correct Answer :

The carbon dioxide emissions will be about 750 ppm at the end of this century if unchecked

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1.  Climate change can be stopped completely

2.  Climate change can be regularized

3.  Climate change and its effects can be studies extensively.

4.  The ill-effects of the change in climate can be minimized

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

The ill-effects of the change in climate can be minimized

Explanation :
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1.  Because they realized that the temperature increase was almost about 1 degree

2.  So that they could stabilize the climate change

3.  So that they could help the European Union in cutting the carbon dioxide emissions

4.  Because they found out that the greenhouse gas emissions could be cut by 70%

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

None of these

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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