1. Customer loyalty is more important than customer satisfaction.
2. Customer satisfaction is no longer considered very important by marketing gurus.
3. Customers are cheaper to retain than to attain.
4. More than one of the above.
Customer satisfaction is no longer considered very important by marketing gurus.
1. Because it wasn’t able to make enough customer prefer its services to that of the local grocer
2. Because it faced a steady turnover of staff
3. Because it faced the same problem that star hotels face and it wasn’t big enough to face them
4. Because its sales people couldn’t recognize regular customers
Because it wasn’t able to make enough customer prefer its services to that of the local grocer
1. Only statement I and II
2. Only statements II and III
3. All three statements
4. None of the above
All three statements
1. By giving them an identity card
2. By giving them some special privileges
3. By recognizing them at check-in counter
4. By controlling customer interface on the shop floor
By giving them some special privileges
1. Through other travel agent network
2. Through its ticket sales records
3. Through the check-in counter records
4. More than one of the above
More than one of the above
1. Are doomed to fail because the new magic mantra is customer loyalty
2. Will survive only if rivals unleash a new marketing programme
3. Will result in long term customer but they will be the most profitable customers to have
4. Will not achieve long term benefits
Will not achieve long term benefits
1. A blue tier member who has flown a total of 35000 miles qualities for the Silver Tier
2. The redemption scheme is offered only to Silver and Gold tier members
3. A Silver tier member is entitled to access to executive club lounge
4. None of the above
A blue tier member who has flown a total of 35000 miles qualities for the Silver Tier
1. Because their large scale of operations makes any such reward scheme expensive
2. Because of the impersonal manner of their dealings
3. Because small operations have a much larger reach
4. Because they can’t give credit like a bania does
Because of the impersonal manner of their dealings