1.  They are static.

2.  They derive their strength from the genius of people.

3.  They believe in the purity of Indian culture.

4.  They can be adapted to almost any environment.

5.  They project the glimpses of ancient civilization.

Correct Answer :

They can be adapted to almost any environment.

Explanation :
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1.  Spirituality and reactivity

2.  Proactivity and individual dignity

3.  Dynamism and growth

4.  Morality and stagnation

5.  Collective wisdom and democracy

Correct Answer :

Dynamism and growth

Explanation :
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1.  Grow

2.  Diminish

3.  Force

4.  Respond

5.  End

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  It has its origin in the remote past.

2.  It stems from the minds and hearts of its sages,

3.  It is founded on religion.

4.  It is founded on universal moral values.

5.  It is self-perpetuating and self-renewing.

Correct Answer :

It is self-perpetuating and self-renewing.

Explanation :
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1.  available

2.  lacking

3.  empty

4.  false

5.  deficient

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  By pumping in more comfort goods in the market

2.  By sacrificing high profit on comfort goods

3.  By targeting youths in the sales campaign

4.  By appealing to the emotionality of people

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

By pumping in more comfort goods in the market

Explanation :
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1.  The value of comfort will increase.

2.  People will value more spirituality thus reducing the value of comfort.

3.  People will desire simple lifestyle.

4.  The advertisements will play down the comfort aspect of goods.

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

None of these

Explanation :
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1.  He used to put higher premium on comfort.

2.  He was relying much on advertisements.

3.  He believed more in simple and cheaper things.

4.  He was more qualitative in his emphasis rather than being quantitative.

5.  His emphasis was on beauty.

Correct Answer :

His emphasis was on beauty.

Explanation :
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1.  It is taken for granted in the modem way of living.

2.  It has become now an ideal to be pursued for its own sake.

3.  It is now believed that discomfort handicaps thought.

4.  It is thought that comfort helps body and mind to function effectively.

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

It has become now an ideal to be pursued for its own sake.

Explanation :
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1.  It is taken for granted in the modem way of living.

2.  It has become now an ideal to be pursued for its own sake.

3.  It is now believed that discomfort handicaps thought.

4.  It is thought that comfort helps body and mind to function effectively.

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

It has become now an ideal to be pursued for its own sake.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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